Reaching Communities and Partnerships - Application Summary
Here are all the questions we ask in the application form for Reaching Communities and Partnerships. The guidance gives you more details about what you will need to tell us in your answers.
Section 1 - Your project
Please tell us about your project in this section. This is the most important section when it comes to making a decision about whether you will receive funding.
Question | Guidance |
What is the name of your project? |
The project name should be simple and to the point. |
What areas will your project take place in? |
You can tell us one (or more) areas
Where will your project take place? |
If your project covers more than one area please tell us where most of it will take place. Select a location
East and West Midlands
London, South East and East of England
North East & Cumbria
North West
South West
Yorkshire and Humber
Tell us all the locations the project will run in |
In your own words, describe all of the locations that you’ll be running your project in. For example, ‘West Yorkshire’, 'Salford' or ‘Almondsbury’. |
What is the postcode of where your project will take place? |
If your project will take place across different locations, please use the postcode of the building or address where most of the project will take place. You must provide the full postcode. If you do not know the postcode, you can use the Royal Mail Postcode Finder to try and find it. |
Tell us the total cost of your project |
This is the cost of everything related to your project, even things you're not asking us to fund. For example:
We do not need to know where the rest of your funding's coming from right now. |
How much money do you want from us? |
This can be an estimate |
What will you spend the money on? |
If we invite you to the next stage of the application process, we'll ask you for a more detailed project budget, including a year-by-year breakdown. But right now, we just want to check if these are things we can fund. |
Tell us when you'd like to get the money if you're awarded funding? |
Don't worry, this can be an estimate. For example, 11-05-2025 |
How long do you need the money for? |
We can fund projects for up to five years. If your project is not an exact number of years, please round up to the nearest year. For example, for an 18 month project, choose two years.
What would you like to do? |
Tell us:
You can write between 50 and 500 words for this section. |
How does your project involve your community? |
What do we mean by community?
We believe that people understand what’s needed in their communities better than anyone. Tell us how your community came up with the idea for your project. We want to know how many people you’ve spoken to, and how they’ll be involved in the development and delivery of the project. Here are some examples of how you could be involving your community:
You can write between 50 and 500 words for this section. |
How does your idea fit in with other local activities? |
You might want to tell us about:
You can write between 50 and 500 words for this section. |
Organisation Website (Optional) |
Tell us why your organisation is the right one to manage this project |
Give us a brief description of your organisation and the work it does.
You can write between 50 and 500 words for this section. |
Section 2 - Your organisation
Please tell us about your organisation, including legal name and registered address. This helps us understand the type of organisation you are.
Question | Guidance |
What is the full legal name of your organisation? |
This must be as shown on your governing document. Your governing document could be called one of several things, depending on the type of organisation you're applying on behalf of. It might be called a constitution, trust deed, memorandum and articles of association, or something else entirely. You might find it on a registration website - for example, Companies House or a Charities Register. |
Does your organisation use a different name in its day-to-day work? |
This is how you might be known if you're not just known by your legal name (the legal name is on your governing document or registration website).
What is the name your organisation uses in its day-to-day work? |
This is how you might be known if you're not just known as . |
What is the organisation's postcode? (Optional) |
For example, EC4A 1DE |
Building and street |
Address line 2 (Optional) |
Town or city |
County (Optional) |
Postcode |
When was your organisation set up? |
This is the date your organisation took on its current legal status. It should be on your governing document. If you do not know the exact date, it can be an approximate date. For example, 18-01-2025 |
How many people in England does your whole organisation directly support in a typical year? |
We’re not looking for how many people your specific project will support - we’ll ask for that at the end of the grant. |
How many volunteers do you have in your whole organisation? |
We’re not looking for the number of volunteers you’ll work with on this project specifically - we’ll ask for that at the end of the grant. |
How many full-time equivalent staff work for your whole organisation? |
To help you give us an idea, full-time hours are usually around 37 hours per week. So, to find out how many full-time equivalent staff you have, you need to divide the total number of hours worked by staff at your organisation by 37. |
What percentage of your leadership (for example, senior management team, board, committee) have 'lived experience' of the issues you're trying to address? (Optional) |
When we say lived experience, we mean organisations led by people who have lived through challenges the organisation is trying to tackle. For example:
What type of organisation are you? |
If you're both a charity and a company - just pick ‘Not-for-profit company’ below.
Companies House number |
Charity registration number (Optional) |
Charity registration number |
Department for Education number |
Tell us what type of statutory body you are |
What is your accounting year end date? |
For example, 31 03 |
What is your total income for the year? |
Use whole numbers only, like 12000. |
Section 3 - Senior contact
Provide the details of your senior contact. They’ll be legally responsible for the funding. They can’t be married to, in a civil partnership with, in a long-term relationship with, living with, or related to the main contact or through a long-term partner.
Question | Guidance |
What is the role of the senior contact? |
You already told us what sort of organisation you are. So the senior contact role options we're giving you now are based on your organisation type. Unregistered voluntary organisation
Registered Charity
Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO or SCIO)
Community Interest Company (CIC)
College or University
Statutory Bodies Parish Council
Town Council
Local Authority
NHS Trust/Health Authority
Faith-based group
Registered Charity and Not-for-profit Company
School or educational body and Charity
School or educational body and Company
What is the role of the senior contact? |
You already told us what sort of organisation you are. So the senior contact role options we're giving you now are based on your organisation type. |
First name (in full) |
This cannot be a shortened name, initial or nickname. |
Last name |
What is the senior contact's date of birth? |
We need their date of birth to do an identity check. If it's entered incorrectly, it could delay your application. For example, 30 03 1980 |
What is the senior contact's postcode? (Optional) |
For example, EC4A 1DE |
Building and street |
Address line 2 (Optional) |
Town or city |
County (Optional) |
Postcode |
Have they lived at the address, for the last three years? |
What is the senior contact's postcode at their previous address? |
For example, EC4A 1DE |
Building and street |
Address line 2 (Optional) |
Town or city |
County (Optional) |
Postcode |
The senior contact's email address |
We’ll use this if we need to get in touch with the senior contact about the project. |
The senior contact's telephone number |
We’ll use this if we need to get in touch with the senior contact about the project. |
Does the senior contact have any additional communication needs? (Optional) |
For example, if they need information in a specific language or format. |
What language should we use to contact the senior contact? |
Section 4 - Main contact
Please provide details for your main contact. This will be the first person we contact if we need to discuss your project.
Question | Guidance |
First name (in full) |
This cannot be a shortened name, initial or nickname. |
Last name |
What is the main contact's date of birth? |
We need their date of birth to do an identity check. If it's entered incorrectly, it could delay your application. For example, 30 03 1980 |
What is the main contact's postcode? (Optional) |
For example, EC4A 1DE |
Building and street |
Address line 2 (Optional) |
Town or city |
County (Optional) |
Postcode |
Have they lived at the address, for the last three years? |
What is the main contact's postcode at their previous address? |
For example, EC4A 1DE |
Building and street |
Address line 2 (Optional) |
Town or city |
County (Optional) |
Postcode |
The main contact's email address |
We’ll use this if we need to get in touch with the main contact about the project. |
The main contact's telephone number |
We’ll use this if we need to get in touch with the main contact about the project. |
Does the main contact have any additional communication needs? (Optional) |
For example, if they need information in a specific language or format. |
What language should we use to contact the main contact? |
Section 5 - Declaration
In order to submit your application, you will need to agree to our terms and conditions.
Question | Guidance |
You have been authorised by the governing body of your organisation (the board or committee that runs your organisation) to submit this application and accept the declaration on their behalf. |
You have been authorised by the people named as the Main Contact and Senior Contact to include them in this proposal and to submit their details in this form to us. |
You understand that if a grant is offered to your organisation it will be subject to our terms and conditions. |
All the information you have provided in your application is accurate and complete; and you will notify us of any changes. |
You understand that we will use any personal information you have provided for the purposes described under our Data Protection and Privacy notice. |
You accept that if information about this application is requested under the Freedom of Information Act, we will release it in line with our Freedom of Information policy. |
You have not shared any personal data in the project questions. These are the questions where we ask what you’d like to do. |
You understand that what you tell us in this form will be shared with the main and senior contact. |
Full name of person completing this form |
Position in organisation |
Section 6 - Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) monitoring information
We want to hear more about the people who’ll benefit from your project and your organisation.
Question | Guidance |
Is your project aimed at a specific group of people or is it open to everyone? |
If at least 75% of the people you support share characteristics, then your project is for a specific group. Your specific group may share one or more characteristics. For example, if 80% of the people you work with are female refugees, this means you support a specific group of people. In this example, they share two characteristics — women and refugees. We know this can only be an estimate. It’d be too difficult to work out exactly, especially if this is a new project.
Who is your project for? |
If 75% or more of the people supported or benefitting from your project come from one specific group, tell us who they are. If you select an option, we will ask you to tell us more about that group.
Which community is your project for? |
Select one category, if possible Black/African/Caribbean/Black British
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups
Asian / Asian British
Other group experiencing ethnic or racial inequity
Which faith community is your project for? |
Select one category, if possible
Which group of people who emigrate is your project for? |
Select one category, if possible
Which group of disabled people is your project for? |
Select one category, if possible
Which age group is your project for? |
Select one category, if possible
Which LGBTQ+ community is your project for? |
Select one category, if possible
Which specific group (that you have not included already) is your project for? |
Examples include: care experienced young people, carers, people recovering from alcohol addiction, sex workers, people whose first language is not English or Welsh, people who have problems reading, men and boys |
What additional EDI information would you like to include about the people your project supports? (Optional) |
You told us that your project will benefit: Tell us more about who they are. |
Do most of your leadership team self-identify as belonging to a specific group of people? |
Tell us what specific group they belong to if at least:
If you select an option, we will ask you to tell us more about that group.
Which community is your leadership team part of? |
Select one category, if possible Black/African/Caribbean/Black British
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups
Asian / Asian British
Other group experiencing ethnic or racial inequity
Which faith community is your leadership team part of? |
Select one category, if possible
Which group of people who emigrate is your leadership team part of? |
Select one category, if possible
Which group of disabled people is your leadership team part of? |
Select one category, if possible
Which age group is your leadership team part of? |
Select one category, if possible
Which LGBTQ+ community is your leadership team part of? |
Select one category, if possible
Which specific group (that you have not included already) is your leadership team part of? |
Examples include: care experienced young people, carers, people recovering from alcohol addiction, sex workers, people whose first language is not English or Welsh, people who have problems reading, men and boys |
What additional EDI information would you like to include about your leadership team? (Optional) |
You told us that your leadership team self-identify as: Tell us more about who they are. |