People and Places: large grants - Application Summary
Here are all the questions we ask in the application form for People and Places: large grants. The guidance gives you more details about what you will need to tell us in your answers.
Section 1 - Your project
Please tell us about your project in this section. This is the most important section when it comes to making a decision about whether you will receive funding.
Question | Guidance |
What is the name of your project? |
The project name should be simple and to the point. |
Where will your project take place? |
If your project covers more than one area please tell us where most of it will take place.
What is the postcode of where your project will take place? |
If your project will take place across different locations, please use the postcode of the building or address where most of the project will take place. You must provide the full postcode. If you do not know the postcode, you can use the Royal Mail Postcode Finder to try and find it. |
How much money do you want from us? |
How long do you need the money for? |
We can fund projects for up to 5 years. If your project is not an exact number of years, please round up to the nearest year. For example, for an 18 month project, choose two years.
What would you like to do? |
Tell us:
You can write between 50 and 1500 words for this section. |
Section 2 - Your organisation
Please tell us about your organisation, including legal name and registered address. This helps us understand the type of organisation you are.
Question | Guidance |
What is the full legal name of your organisation? |
This must be as shown on your governing document. Your governing document could be called one of several things, depending on the type of organisation you're applying on behalf of. It might be called a constitution, trust deed, memorandum and articles of association, or something else entirely. You might find it on a registration website - for example, Companies House or a Charities Register. |
Does your organisation use a different name in its day-to-day work? |
This is how you might be known if you're not just known by your legal name (the legal name is on your governing document or registration website).
What is the name your organisation uses in its day-to-day work? |
This is how you might be known if you're not just known as . |
Organisation Website (Optional) |
What is the organisation's postcode? (Optional) |
For example, EC4A 1DE |
Building and street |
Address line 2 (Optional) |
Town or city |
County (Optional) |
Postcode |
When was your organisation set up? |
This is the date your organisation took on its current legal status. It should be on your governing document. If you do not know the exact date, it can be an approximate date. For example, 30-03-2025 |
What type of organisation are you? |
If you're both a charity and a company - just pick ‘Not-for-profit company’ below.
Companies House number |
Charity registration number (Optional) |
Charity registration number |
Department for Education number |
Tell us what type of statutory body you are |
What is your accounting year end date? |
For example, 31 03 |
What is your total income for the year? |
Use whole numbers only, like 12000. |
Section 3 - Your details
Please give us the contact details of a person we can get in touch with if we have any questions. This contact is usually the person filling in the form, so it's probably you.
Question | Guidance |
First name (in full) |
Last name |
Email address |
Your Funding Officer will use this email address to contact you about the project. |
Phone number |
Do you have any additional communication needs? (Optional) |
For example, you need information in a specific language or format. |
What language should we use to contact you? |
Section 4 - Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) monitoring information
We want to hear more about the people who’ll benefit from your project and your organisation.
Question | Guidance |
Is your project aimed at a specific group of people or is it open to everyone? |
If at least 75% of the people you support share characteristics, then your project is for a specific group. Your specific group may share one or more characteristics. For example, if 80% of the people you work with are female refugees, this means you support a specific group of people. In this example, they share two characteristics — women and refugees. We know this can only be an estimate. It’d be too difficult to work out exactly, especially if this is a new project.
Who is your project for? |
If 75% or more of the people supported or benefitting from your project come from one specific group, tell us who they are. If you select an option, we will ask you to tell us more about that group.
Which community is your project for? |
Select one category, if possible Black/African/Caribbean/Black British
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups
Asian / Asian British
Other group experiencing ethnic or racial inequity
Which faith community is your project for? |
Select one category, if possible
Which group of people who emigrate is your project for? |
Select one category, if possible
Which group of disabled people is your project for? |
Select one category, if possible
Which age group is your project for? |
Select one category, if possible
Which LGBTQ+ community is your project for? |
Select one category, if possible
Which specific group (that you have not included already) is your project for? |
Examples include: care experienced young people, carers, people recovering from alcohol addiction, sex workers, people whose first language is not English or Welsh, people who have problems reading, men and boys |
Will your project work with people living in Wales? |
How many of the people that will benefit from your project speak Welsh? |
What additional EDI information would you like to include about the people your project supports? (Optional) |
You told us that your project will benefit: Tell us more about who they are. |
Do most of your leadership team self-identify as belonging to a specific group of people? |
Tell us what specific group they belong to if at least:
If you select an option, we will ask you to tell us more about that group.
Which community is your leadership team part of? |
Select one category, if possible Black/African/Caribbean/Black British
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups
Asian / Asian British
Other group experiencing ethnic or racial inequity
Which faith community is your leadership team part of? |
Select one category, if possible
Which group of people who emigrate is your leadership team part of? |
Select one category, if possible
Which group of disabled people is your leadership team part of? |
Select one category, if possible
Which age group is your leadership team part of? |
Select one category, if possible
Which LGBTQ+ community is your leadership team part of? |
Select one category, if possible
Which specific group (that you have not included already) is your leadership team part of? |
Examples include: care experienced young people, carers, people recovering from alcohol addiction, sex workers, people whose first language is not English or Welsh, people who have problems reading, men and boys |
What additional EDI information would you like to include about your leadership team? (Optional) |
You told us that your leadership team self-identify as: Tell us more about who they are. |